Multicolored ‘alien face UFO’ spotted hovering over Chicago baffles experts

A Chicago resident reported an “alien face UFO” hovering over the city. Pic credit: Pixabay

A Chicago photographer claimed he spotted a UFO while standing on his balcony. The alleged UFO with a humanoid face left researchers scratching their heads (see photos below).

Experts did not know what to make of the man’s story because they had never heard of UFOs with humanoid or alien faces.

The latest reported UFO sighting comes after a family in Quebec filmed a strange burning and rotating object in the sky over the city.

However, an expert said it was likely a mylar balloon. The burning could be due to the shiny surface reflecting sunlight, the expert added.

Alleged shimmering UFO changed colors

Dietrich Zeigler, a photographer based in Chicago, shared a photo of the aerial object he recently spotted in the night sky.

The photo showed a strange-looking shape with multiple colors (green, blue, gold, and purple) floating in the sky against the backdrop of dark blue sky (see photo below).

According to Zeigler, the mysterious object changed colors while hovering in one spot in the sky. He told the Daily Mail he spotted it at dusk as the sun fell below the horizon.

He described it as a shimmering multicolored object that changed colors.

Witness had never seen anything like the UFO

Puzzled by the sighting, he took out his camera and snapped pictures. He went indoors to examine the photos. The object had disappeared when he returned minutes later to view it again in the sky.

He said that although it looked stationary, it might have moved slowly. He detected shifts in the object’s position between successive photographs.

Zeigler added he was baffled by the sighting because he had never seen anything similar during years of gazing at the night sky.

UFO experts and Social media users debated

UFO experts and enthusiasts shared opinions about what the eerily colorful object was. Some thought it was an alien face, while others said it looked like a Native American carved mask face.

A few joked that it resembled Rafiki, the eccentric shaman mandrill from The Lion King.

UFO hunters couldn’t agree on what it was.

Colors at sunset could be due to optical scattering

However, scientists explained that multiple colors in the sky at sunrise or sunset could be due to an optical phenomenon known as scattering (Rayleigh scattering).

According to UW-Madison meteorologist Steven Ackerman, scattering occurs when molecules (nitrogen and oxygen molecules) and tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere cause deflection of light rays passing through them.

White light is a mix of different wavelengths of colors ranging from red, orange, and yellow to green, blue, and violet. Scattering separates the different colors so that we can see them independently.

The different wavelengths undergo different degrees of scattering. The shorter wavelengths, such as blue and violet, experience the highest scattering.

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