
Mamlambo is a mythical shape-shifting water spirit or river goddess in Xhosa and Zulu (South African) mythology. It may manifest as a freshwater reptile-fish monster or a mermaid (woman-fish chimera).

Beast of Bray Road

The Beast of Bray Road is an alleged human-wolf cryptid native to Wisconsin.

Lake Worth Monster

The Lake Worth Monster is a cryptid many people reported sighting in the summer of 1969 at Lake Worth and Greer Island, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, United States.

Loveland Frog

The Loveland Frog is an alleged froglike humanoid native to Ohio.


The Maero (Maeroero or Mairoero) are a race of forest beings or wild men from the folklore of the Maori of New Zealand.

Mogollon Monster

The Mogollon Monster is a Bigfoot-like cryptid from the folklore of Arizona


The Agogwe is an alleged humanoid creature native to East Africa. It supposedly lives in the dense forests of north-central Tanzania.


Chinese folklore says the Yeren lives in the remote forested mountains of the Shennongjia Forestry District.


Chilean folklore claims that the Cherufe causes deadly volcanic eruptions and destructive earthquakes.